The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

Halloween Comes to Life at RHS

Halloween is a tradition that brings communities together. Children and adults alike find a common reason to wear costumes, distribute treats, and actually look forward to being scared at haunted houses or Halloween marathons.

“It’s the one day of the year you could be anything you want to be and not get looked at weird or judged,” Chelsea Payne, senior, said. Payne dressed up as a Woodlawn Fairy. For those who don’t know what kind of fairy this is,  it’s a fairy that comes from nature.

Senior Chay Sabino said, “We should all participate in the fun.” Dressed as a Greek goddess, Sabino spent the evening with her siblings going from house to house collecting candy in Aiea.

“People should dress up for Halloween because it’s been a tradition that people have done for a long time and it helps families and friends be silly and have fun,” senior Alyssa Dracup said who spent the evening watching Halloween movies.

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“Dressing up for Halloween is getting into the holiday spirit. It’s the only time you can dress up like that,” said Bailey Cerino, junior. Cerino wore skeleton tights to school but added a skeleton face makeup in the evening, in time for trick or treating in Aliamanu Military Reservation.

Dracup dressed as a self-professed “biker chick” donning a bandanna, Harley Davidson shirt, and heeled boots.

Also dressed as a skeleton with the complete make up, sophomore Noah Keolanui-Herman admits that “You’re never to old for dressing up and its not just for kids.”

“Why would you want to grow up so fast?” Keolanui-Herman said.

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