The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

New Year Brings New Faces to Campus

With a new school year comes new faces.

Among those faces are freshmen, teachers, and the steady stream of students transferring to the campus.

Freshman Leleo Ann Bane said that she is enjoying her time at the school. “Everyone is pretty chill, they’re nice to each other and they’re welcoming,” she said. However, she still needs to adjust to the pace of lessons. “My only problems are in the classroom. The lessons are new everyday and there are lots of quizzes and tests, which a lot of people are failing because they’re going by too fast.”

Another new face is junior Taylor Martin. Martin has attended ten different schools in her life and RHS marks her third high school. “By transferring schools so many times I got used to making new friends and being lost the first two weeks of school,” Martin said. “I’m pretty burned out at this point. I hate to be a pessimist about it, but I really didn’t, and still don’t, want to go to Radford. As soon as I got comfortable at my last high school, I had to pack up and leave. I’m having a rough time and I feel like calling it quits on finding the new friends thing.”

Physical Science and Chemistry teacher Mr. David Mitchell is one of four new teachers to the campus who said he “loves it here.”

“I was a bit nervous when transferring here to Radford, but now I love it,” Mr. Mitchell said. “It’s a much bigger school with students that come from all over the world. Out of all three high schools that I’ve taught at, Radford is my favorite.”

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