The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage


The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Prevention Act is, for all intents and purposes, the newest SOPA. This proposed bill would give the government more power in domestic surveillance and control of information. The bill would supposedly help stop online theft of information and protect the United States’ cyber security interests. However, criticisms are already being put forth, stating that it would be giving corporations and the government too much power in controlling the internet. Large data-mining corporations would be able to not only sift through things like your financial data and browsing history, but would also buy and sell that data to other corporations.

CISPA and related bills would give large corporations the power to do more than simply delete your data. The latest in the line of SOPA-like bills will allow both the government and corporations the ability to censor websites and track personal information.

For years, these sorts of bills have been introduced on a yearly basis, like clockwork. Politicians like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) have been the staunchest supporters of these types of bills. They seem to believe corporations deserve more freedom and power than citizens.
Fortunately, the massive backlash against these bills seems to be helping. Almost a million people have signed the petition to stop CISPA, and due to the general outcry, lawmakers plan to revise the bill to remove a few of the provision that would give corporations a shocking amount of power over our personal data.
Even better, President Obama has recently announced that he plans to veto the bill if these invasive stipulations of the bill are not removed, stating that “any cybersecurity legislation must preserve Americans’ privacy, data confidentiality, and civil liberties and [recognize] the civilian nature of cyberspace.” Knowing that the White House is on our side is excellent news, but if Americans really want to stop these types of invasive, malicious legislation, we must all make our voices heard.

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