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The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

Interact Club helps out community

The Interact club helped dig holes for nearly 300 native plant at Kuli’ou’ou Ridge Trail in October.
The Interact club helped dig holes for nearly 300 native plant at Kuli’ou’ou Ridge Trail in October.

Interact Club is a service club that is the daughter of the international Rotary Club. The club’s current advisor is English Language Learner teacher Victoria Higashi, who became the advisor because of student requests for a service club. 

Some of the projects that the Interact club has done this year include donation drives for the Hawaii Food Bank and volunteer activities at the Kaha Native Plant Garden, the Animal Sanctuary, and the He’eia Fish Pond.

“It went great. We had a bunch of kids show up, we carried rock-like boulders, moved the seaweed and invasive species and then we had lunch,” said Higashi, talking about the He’eia fish pond.

Other projects the club will continue to work on throughout the year include include planting native trees at Kuli’ou’ou Ridge Trail and continuing to raise money and donations for the Hawaii Food Bank.

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The other teachers that help the Interact club are teachers Suzie Wallace, Allison Layne, and Fred Salanoa.

The presidents of the Interact club currently are Juniors Isabella Mali Puzon and Pheby Nagtalon. They were elected as the presidents of Interact a year after Covid.

Interested in joining the Interact club? Attend one of their meetings on the first and third Wednesdays at lunch or stop by Higashi’s Room 211 or Wallace’s Room 281 and ask them about the projects that they are currently working on. Follow the the club on Instagram @interact_radford.