When new students to Radford arrive and they feel like an outsider or they have no idea what to do, that’s where Joy McElhaney steps in. She is a Part Time Teacher in the Transition Center, located in room 112.
McElhaney is a military dependent and has a freshman son and a 6th grade daughter.
She assists students with settling into the school, prints identification badges for them, escorts them on a tour of the campus, and makes sure that they feel safe and comfortable around campus.
“I enjoy just being with the students,” McElhaney said.
Although she hasn’t been at this job for very long (she has been at the school since September), she said that she loves it.
She trains student facilitators to interact with new students to the school and the island. Her job is to help the new students learn more about the school and what Radford has to offer them like clubs, sports, and future career options.