The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

The news site of Radford High School

The RamPage

Normal, Boring Emily

The following creative writing piece is a monologue, written by contributing writer Carly Yates.


     My basic brown hair blends into the crowds of people. My average height ensures I never stand out. My day consists of school, work, and sleep. No best friend. And no boyfriend. I am a second choice. Maybe even farther down the list. Nobody wants the everlasting company of a girl with awkward humor, average looks, and perfectionist ideals. Clear gloss adds shine to my always closed lips. And brown eyes always meet the ground. Even a name like Emily forces my image into the basic category. There is something unique about me though. Yes, the girl named Emily, who has both brown hair and eyes, the girl who won’t speak first or walk with confidence. My heart is unique. There’s something in here that is different and very special. Something I won’t share though. Or I guess something I have never had the chance to share. 

     Am I so “simple and basic because I haven’t shared what is inside”? That’s what Lucas always says. That I need to open up. He tries to get through the barrier. Take a peak. But once he sees. Even a glimpse. Of me. He, like everyone else, will walk right past me in the halls. Not one thought or question about me will pop into his head throughout the day. I will seem all so boring and nude. Nude is not a color of the fun, bright, and extroverted rainbow for a reason. Do I really need to put myself out there? Everyone already knows me. I am Emily. Not invisible, but also not needed or wanted. Around or in someone’s life. Is this really what I want though? I can’t do anything about my dull looks, but if I offer my heart to the people in my dreams…will everything be okay? Will I stay up late with a girl and laugh or gossip? Go out on cute dates with a boy while we hold hands and talk? Or will I stay here in the gray? Walking in a noisy hallway, the only silent girl. Never picked as a lab partner. 

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     I can’t anymore. I don’t want to blend in. I want to be seen and heard and loved. Will Lucas let me share what is inside? Can he see me as a fascinating color of the rainbow? When I ask him a question will he hear me? Respond? Maybe even laugh…Or will I fool myself? What if I open up and my nude fades to a dark gray? And Lucas notices that I am not interesting. A colorless, characterless creature. Someone who’s boring outside matches her flat heart and soul. But could I have hope he enjoys it? Me? That a special piece of me may be captivating to him? That deep down, somewhere, I am exciting? Maybe I don’t know it. If I spill will he smile? Can he laugh with me? Talk with me on my way to class? Be my lab partner? Maybe we can go on silly dates. Maybe he can see past the bland hair, and eyes, and smile, and name. When he said I needed to share…was he asking me to share with him? I hope so. Because if not…I am about to be very embarrassed.